Plastic Free North Devon is a local environmental charity (Reg No: 1182464) whose mission is to protect and improve our environment through community-led action.
Founded as a community group in 2017, we aimed to inspire North Devon residents, tourists and businesses to drastically reduce their consumption of single-use plastic, remove it from the environment and dispose of it properly. We aimed to connect people with their natural surroundings through conversations, education and events to inspire residents and visitors to protect what our very existence depends on.
Whilst this mission still holds true, the way in which we tackle our mission has evolved dramatically and whilst we still organise clean ups and educate about single use plastic, we have taken a solutions based approach and fought hard to develop how we facilitate our communities to take action on the things they care about.
IMPACTs 2024
Our Impact Report 2024 brings together all the highlights from the year and offers an insight into how and why we do what we do in North Devon.
We are incredibly proud of our achievements this year which are a testament to the hard work and passion of the team of staff, volunteers and trustees who continually go over and above to help us work towards our mission.
Delve into our projects and campaigns by clicking below.
Our final signed accounts 2023 are here too.
2024 plans and goals
What is next for Plastic Free North Devon?
Find out what we have planned for 2024 and beyond.
Watch our awareness raising film…
What will YOU do?
Plastic is an amazing material that plays a positive role in many aspects of our modern life. However, the characteristics that make it such a useful material (its strength and durability in particular) and its chemical properties make it a toxic, hazardous substance that lasts for hundreds of years when it gets into the natural environment.
A few facts and figures:
320+ million tonnes of new plastic are manufactured annually - this figure is increasing.
40% of the plastic produced is for single use packaging.
8.3 billion tonnes of plastic produced since the 1950s. Of which 9% has been recycled, 12% has been burnt and 79% is in the environment as landfill or litter.
8 - 12 million tonnes of plastic enters the ocean annually. Of which 80% washes and blows in from the land.
1+ million seabirds, 100,000+ sea mammals and turtles are killed annually by marine plastic pollution.
Why does it matter?
A healthy ocean is essential to a healthy planet that can support all life, and that includes us. Allowing millions of tonnes of toxic plastic waste to enter the ocean environment threatens the ecosystems that provide 50% of the oxygen we breathe and the primary source of food for 3.5 billion people.
We simply can’t keep producing this amount of plastic or allow any more of it to enter our environment.

What can you do?
Everybody can do their bit! We have put together a guide to help you find the most effective actions you can take depending on your situation. Whether you’re a business, community group or somebody trying to make changes in their home, we’ve got information for you.

Get Involved
Check our calendar of events to find talks, beach cleans from and in conjunction with Plastic Free North Devon.