Plastic Free North Devon Cup Hire


Our Cup Hire Service is here to help event organisers and party planners reduce the need for single use plastics. 

Every year North Devon hosts hundreds of events annually from village fetes to music festivals which are attended by thousands of residents and visitors. Our Cup Hire Service is here to make it easy for these events to eliminate the need  single use plastics. 

Our cups have been produced for Plastic Free North Devon by Green Goblet and meet all catering regulations including being CE-marked for a variety of poured drinks. Once booked, event organisers can collect the required number of cups on an agreed date before their event and deliver them back afterwards. The daily rental price includes washing of returned used cups. 

We believe this reusable cup rental scheme bolster’s our ability to reduce single use plastic. We have attended many events across our region and noticed many organisers now choosing compostable alternatives. Whilst this change is positive, these alternatives are still single use.  Our scheme promotes reuse and offers an affordable alternative.

If you are interested in renting our  cups or want to find out more about the scheme please contact: Anne-Marie Eveleigh at

We need help from businesses to fund more cups…

Our first batch of cups have been sponsored by The Thatch, Croyde. We  are seeking further business sponsors to widen the scheme. Participating businesses can expect their logo displayed on the cups they pay for, exposure of their business at multiple events across North Devon and recognition across Plastic Free North Devon’s social media. 

If you are a business interested in sponsoring PFND’s cup scheme, please contact Anne-Marie Eveleigh at