Global Day of Action for Climate Justice -North Devon

Plastic Free North Devon, alongside other wonderful community and environmental groups and our wider Braunton and North Devon communities, invite you to join them at Saunton beach this Saturday 6 November 12-3pm, as part of the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice. Members of the community will gather together for an afternoon of pop-up talks, collaborative sand art,  live music, disobedience,  an optional team swim, toe dip or paddle out, and more, drawing attention to global issues and local solutions surrounding the climate and ecological emergency we all currently face. 

One foot in front of the other

The aim is to highlight how small steps on a local level can and do make a difference. This action will be part of the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice, to keep up the pressure for governments to commit to the policy changes that we need, along with the finances being made available to actually deliver them. The original plan locally was to walk from Braunton to Saunton, drawing attention to the lack of a safe, accessible footpath or cyclepath, while joining voices with the global call to action for climate justice. As well as a safe and accessible path, campaigners would also like to see bicycle parking provision made available at local beaches. Unfortunately after liaising with the police and DCC, it became apparent that the route was  deemed too unsafe particularly in respect of families with young children,  including the 40mph stretch which also encompasses a blind corner. To perform such an action, official traffic management needs to be in place and for that you need 3 months-who knew?  This  action was geared up to be a family friendly safe event, but  the tone had changed and a decision was made to park the walk part (for now).

The message, however, still stands. The safety issues that have been raised only go to prove that the current infrastructure does not allow safe active travel for our community.  

Claire Moodie, Plastic Free North Devon’s CEO had this to say:

“Key members of the local community have been campaigning for a cycle path connecting the village to the beach for over five years now, with limited progress so far. Cycling and walking (and the access they can provide to the beach and ocean) have clear and tangible benefits for our physical and mental health, along with the health of the planet; we want to take this opportunity to join the global call to action at the same time as amplifying the voice of our local community on an issue that is an achievable win for people and planet.

This is an opportunity for our local community to show support for climate action without having to travel to larger protests in London or Glasgow, where global leaders will meet at COP26 to set the next decade of action. It’s an opportunity for us to show support and solidarity for climate justice and action around the world, and for members of the local community to show what’s important to them, be it sewage pollution, plastic in our oceans, climate change, accessibility of our green and blue spaces. All of these issues are interlinked and the planet is under increasing pressure from all sorts of factors, but there is hope and there is time if we all work together to make the changes that we need to see a reality. We want to show our community spirit, and come together to stand up for what matters to us - locally, nationally, and globally.

Although we are gathering for a serious cause, we want to foster a family friendly atmosphere and a sense of hope. Think live music, singing, colourful clothing, banners, surfboards, and smiles. Please note that Saunton is not a lifeguarded beach so if you do choose to paddle or swim out, please only enter the water if you are confident of your abilities and at your own risk - we will not be providing any guided activities in the water.

It’s time to show that there are millions of climate activists prepared to stand together to ensure that we have a future; that people can be brilliant, creative and kind.”

The global context

In the next decade – by 2030, not 2050! - we need to show what people can achieve and that we care about protecting, preserving, repairing, and improving our planet for now and into the future.

With COP26 taking place over the first fortnight of November, expect a lot of headlines and attention on the climate crisis as world leaders meet to discuss the climate and ecological emergency. The purpose of the Global Day of Action is to unite all climate activists and groups around a common goal: to demand governments and corporations limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees C and deliver real and just solutions to the climate crisis.

By mobilising groups and activists from across our communities, organisers hope to help make Saturday 6 November a pivotal moment and drown out the half-hearted political pledges with ambitious, justice-led demands. 

This is a chance to send a message that whilst many of us love and need our cars; our towns and cities can be designed for people, children playing in streets, walking or cycling to school. That they can be designed for the active travel that we all need for our health and wellbeing, and for the health and wellbeing of our planet. Access to our blue and green spaces shouldn’t be limited to those with access to, and who choose to use, cars.

What else can we do?

  • Shoutout for the amazing climate work being carried out around the world by charities and organisations like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, XR, Sea Shepherd, Ocean Rebellion, SAS and Plastic Free North Devon - celebrate what they are trying to do for us 

  • Talk about it, engage, and take action - this is your chance to continue your journey of discovery as Guardians of the Natural World we’ve inherited and will pass on to future generations

  • Build a plastic-free life - head to our website for tips on how to make small changes in our own lives 

  • Continue to campaign for climate justice for people around the world, for all those who have not caused this - climate change disproportionately impacts on poorer people and people of colour

  • Support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill - it’s our chance to see the change we need being enacted at a national legislative level

  • Write to or message your MP and make sure they know how much this matters to you and to all of us

  • Always vote with your values in mind

Tia Psihogios