Family run fish and chips restaurant and takeaway, Boutport Street, Barnstaple
Manager: Mike Wood
Actions to date:
Replaced take-away coffee cups with vegware versions
Replaced plastic straws with paper ones
Replaced polystyrene takeaway food containers with vegware. Mike also told us that he feels the takeaway food holds and presents better in the new containers, and especially that the food doesn’t ‘sweat’ as much.
Replaced plastic forks, knives and spoons with wooden ones
Recycles cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, and cans through North Devon Council.
Working on:
In the restaurant moving to larger bottles instead of condiment sachets, but can’t get away from them for takeaway until better alternative can be found.
Have looked at Paper bags considerably more expensive than plastic, considering biodegradable carrier bags
Considering water refill scheme.
“ I wanted to make these changes for myself and for my children. We know that the biggest polluters in the world, China and USA, don’t seem to care about it, so it’s important that we’re trying to do our bit for the environment.”