Barricane Beach Cafe
Café selling drinks, lunches, ice creams and traditional Sri Lankan Curry
Owner: Stacey and Sumith Korale Kankanamge
Actions to date:
• Uses only China cups and plates. Some Vegeware cups are used if asked for
• Only metal cutlery used
• All cold drinks are in cans for any drinks (except water)
• Uses paper straws if anyone asks for one
• Vegeware pots for their chutney and paper bags for takeaway sandwiches, baguettes etc
• Uses paper pots for sauces
• Buys in fruit and veg from a local supplier with minimal packaging
• Recycles all cardboard. Encourages everyone to take their rubbish/recycling home with them
Working on:
• Wanting to swap from biodegradable bags to paper bags. Will trial to see how it works over this summer with cold drinks cans
• Using up old stock of coffee cups before using Vegeware
Contact Barricane Beach Cafe
“We have tried to reduce the amount of single use plastic on the beach by providing proper crockery and cutlery and we have been looking at ways to eliminate any other single use plastics that we have used in the past. We love our little beach and the surrounding coastlines and want to help stop the plastic going into our seas”