Beach Buddies Childcare

 A privately owned nursery situated in the Pentecostal Church in Braunton, Devon. 

Owners: Jan Appleby & Charlotte Spice

Actions to date:

  • Plastic Straws - used for crafts etc, will buy paper ones

  • Glitter -not buying anymore

  • Nappy Bags - changing to use bio-degradeable/compostable ones and fill them (rather than just put one nappy in each)

  • Carrier Bags - use own reuseable bags at shops

  • Cleaning - already use big containers, but are going to try to make their own products. The problem is that most ingredients to make cleaning products come in plastic!

  • Baby Wipes - use washable wipes for hands and faces

  • Food -take their own tubs to the butchers and bags to the veg shop

Still working on:

  • Cloths - for cleaning which get thrown away daily - considering how to improve on this

Contact Beach Buddies

We feel it is of great importance that we all do our bit to help reduce plastics, recycle and re-use as much as possible to help our environment. We have become more aware of the amount of single use plastics in our setting and have made a commitment to not replace plastic straws and glitter once they are used up, use less plastic bin bags, only use recyclable nappy bags and to make our own environmentally friendly cleaning products so we can re-use bottles we already have. We are getting our children involved and teaching them about the importance of recycling too as well as asking parents to not send in snacks in one time use plastics
— Jan & Charlotte