Fine Foods of Braunton

A family run delicatessen, charcuterie, café and off licence based in Braunton North Devon.

Owners: Peter and Amanda Bromley

Actions to date:

  • All carrier bags are paper

  • Fresh bread is wrapped in tissue paper

  • Pates in kilner jars

  • Yogurts in glass jars

  • Only shop in Braunton to supply milk and juices in pint glass bottles. Organic, standard milk and goats milk is available. Take regular orders, the bottles are collected from the shop and the empty bottles returned for recycling with the milkman

  • Glass, cardboard and plastic is recycled

  • Wooden stirrers for takeaway drinks

  • Sugar provided is cubed, no wrappers

  • Leaf tea is used, no plastic teabags

Working on:

  • Using up current standard coffee cups and then moving to fully compostable

Contact Fine Foods of Braunton

Peter and our 2 children and I have been coming to Braunton for the last 22 years, and moved here permanently last June. Having been coming to the area for so many years it is really important to us to preserve the beautiful sandy beaches and coastline. We feel we have a common interest with the local community and share their passion to help preserve the environment for future generations, therefore we wanted to establish our new business using the same principles. We have made some initial steps to recycle and lessen the use of plastics and will continue to make further improvements as our business grows
— Amanda