Georgia Morgan ART

Georgia Morgan is a local artist who has been painting for the past year 3 years after working with textiles during her time at PETROC.  She paints amazing seascapes that are full of life and movement and it is clear that the ocean and the coast has been her main influence.  Taking action to reduce the amount of plastic packaging that she was using was an obvious step and, after doing her own research, has pretty well eliminated everything that she can.  Unavoidable plastics are reused and recycled.

Owner: Georgia Morgan

Actions to date:

  • Canvas/Frame packaging - all plastic eliminated by changing supplier that use cardboard, rather than SUP.

  • Painting packaging for transport - bubble wrap, clingfilm and foam eliminated after researching a reusable alternative.  A reusable bag for painting canvases is now used to transport works of art to galleries, shows and for deliveries, eliminating large volumes of plastic waste.

  • Eco craft tape used for packaging.

  • Reuse of all packaging that comes with other art materials.

Working on:

  • Looking to incorporate left-over fishing gear into art work.

Contact Georgia

Georgia has her first show in London in early March and is keen to take the Plastic Free North Devon message with her with tourist campaign leaflets and a PFND T-shirt to wear!

I was not feeling comfortable with the amount of single use plastic arriving with my materials so I did my own research to find alternatives.

The ocean is my inspiration and I am at the beach almost every day… I love creating the feeling of the sea and taking people to it so that they can feel it too.

Protecting my source of inspiration is an obvious thing for me to do.
— Georgia