Pickwell Manor

Self catering holiday apartments overlooking the North Devon Coast

Owners: Susannah and Steve Baker, Tracey and Richard Elliott. Managed by Holly and Ben Kennedy

Actions to date:

  • Who Gives a Crap loo roll provided in each apartment

  • Handsoap and bubble bath that is provided in each apartment is British, Organic, handmade and decanted into glass from large bulk-purchased containers

  • Washing up liquid is bought in bulk (Ecover) and decanted into reused bottles in each apartment

  • All cleaning products used are of ‘green status’ and come from Green My Business

  • Kitchen condiments are served in glass in each apartment

  • Milk served in each apartment is stored in glass jars

  • Baked goods left for guests in each apartment are home baked on-site and served in tins

  • Wine is purchased and provided in glass bottles and is made in Devon

  • The welcome documents are now presented electronically to avoid paper waste

  • Tennis balls are purchased in bulk and the packaging reused for storage

  • Recycling facilities for all guests

  • Heating generated through biomass boiler

  • Electricity onsite provided through solar panels and solar battery storage

  • Electric car charging point available for guests

  • Discount available for reduced carbon travel to the accommodation

Working on:

  • Moving away from single-use plastic coffee sachets. Considering a refill system or introducing coffee machines.

  • Moving to longer-lasting cleaning consumables such as cloths and sponges

  • Sourcing a hygienic alternative to individually packaged boiled sweets

  • Stocking a selection of alternative to plastic ‘overnight essentials’ for guests who forget them to purchase i.e. compostable toothbrushes.

Contact Pickwell Manor