Puffin Cafe
Cafe selling hot/cold drinks, cooked breakfasts, sandwiches, cakes to eat in or takeaway
Owner: Janina Winslade
Actions to date:
Vegeware cups for takeaway drinks (china cups for drink in)
Vegeware food containers for takeaway food (china plates for eating in)
Wooden cutlerly for takeaways (metal for eating in)
No plastic straws, paper straws if asked for
Paper bags for takeaways
No plastic sauce sachets for takeaways, customers encouraged to add sauce whilst at cafe
Offers 20p discount per drink for customers who bring own reusable cup
Recycles all plastic, cardboard and glass (+ cans via everycancounts.co.uk)
Working on:
Using up stock of plastic cold drinks bottles, will only sell glass drinks bottles very soon
Using up stock of plastic sauce bottles, will go all glass in future
“The meeting at Woolacombe School really made me think about the impact businesses can have on the environment. I’ve been able to make quite a few changes so far, and I’m hoping to be as ‘plastic free’ as possible in future.”