Laura's Barefoot Walk for Plastic Free North Devon

Laura has walked 180 miles barefoot from Land’s End to Croyde to raise money for Plastic Free North Devon. Here is her story: 

“I started barefoot walking by accident when I lost my shoes while traveling and didn’t have enough money for new flip flops. As I was mainly on the beach it worked and I enjoyed being barefoot a lot more than wearing shoes. Since then I’ve looked into it and seen the many benefits of barefoot walking - less inflammation, better posture, muscular healing and a reduction of stress to name a few! I was sold! And have been mainly barefoot for the last couple of years. 

“Seeing the work that Claire puts into Plastic Free North Devon, and how that has encouraged me to change my daily habits, as well as the massive impact the charity has in the local community, inspired me to make this hike on the coast path to help raise funds for the charity that is changing our environmental narrative for the better. 

“I did it barefoot as I couldn’t imagine doing it with shoes on and also as a way of hopefully encouraging everybody to get connected to nature in their own special way - whether that be by walking in a field barefoot for a few minutes, or by sea-dipping or any way that is personal to you. Connection to nature is key, as when you have a deeper relationship to nature you feel strongly about protecting it, which is what we should all be trying to do to the best of our abilities.”

You can support Laura’s fundraising efforts by visiting Laura’s Just Giving page

Have you got a challenge or adventure coming up and would like to raise money for Plastic Free North Devon?

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