May Cottage Tearooms

A traditional tea room in Croyde

Owner: Caroline Bailey

Actions to date:

• No single use carrier bags are given out.

• No plastic disposable coffee cups are used.

• No plastic cold drinks containers are given out, all soft drinks are in glass bottles.

• Straws are only given out if requested, a few plastic ones left then they will be paper.
• Any takeaway cake is given out in reused tubs that their clotted cream is received in.
• No plastic cutlery used.

• No single plastic condiment sachets used.

• Sugar cubes not sugar sachets used.
• Offers free water refills to customers.

• Ice cream from Stapletons is supplied in vegware pots.

• Cardboard, glass, metal and plastic waste is recycled by NDDC.

Contact May Cottage Tearooms

Living in such a beautiful place reminds me every day of the importance of looking after our world, and for each of us this starts at home and at work. At May Cottage we try to work in a way that reflects this philosophy.
— Caroline