Sandeligh Tearooms

National Trust tearoom and gardens in Croyde

Owner: Sarah Howson

Actions to date:

• No single use carrier bags are given out.
• No plastic cold drinks containers are given out, those that are used are recycled.

• Straws are biodegradable and only given out if requested.
• Paper bag and napkin given with any takeaway food.
• No plastic cutlery given out, wooden sticks as stirrers if requested.

• No single plastic condiment sachets used.
• Offers free water refills.

• Discounted takeaway coffee for people bringing in their own reusable coffee cup.

• Cardboard, glass, metal and plastic waste is recycled by Viridor.

Working on:

• Disposable coffee cups will be replaced with biodegradable alternative once stock has been used up (only 20 left).

Contact Sandleigh Tearooms

Anything that anyone can do to help our natural environment is an important concern and making small changes is relatively simple and will be effective.
— Sarah