Saunton Break Cafe

Saunton Break Cafe is a traditional beach takeaway serving hot and cold food, drinks and ice creams. You can find them just to the right of the slipway as you are entering Saunton beach, where you can eat, drink, and rest at one of their picnic benches.

Owner: Bridget Allsopp

Actions to date:

  • Compostable PLA cutlery, but moving to wooden cutlery in the New Year

  • Biodgradable PLA straws, but don't give out straws unless asked, also looking to switch to paper. Jumbo straws for slush puppies currently being sourced

  • 20p discount for those brining a reusable coffee cup

  • Replaced plastic bags with paper (just using up last of stock)

  • Uses compostable takeaway containers

Working on:

  • Looking into bulk alternatives for condiment sachets

  • Changing to compostable coffee cups and lids (running down previous stock and investigating the best alternative)

  • Alternative appropriate ice cream pots and spoons

  • Suppliers of Sandwiches which are delivered in plastic containers

  • Recycles all plastic, cardboard and tins and takes any glass home.

Contact Saunton Break Cafe

Bod says:''Being a takeaway we have additional challenges when it comes to reducing waste. We are extremely conscious, being located so close to the beach, of the long term damage plastics in particular, have on the ocean.

“Currently all of our drink cans & bottles are recyclable at various locations both at the cafe and along the beach. We already use compostable packaging, cutlery & straws and in the new year we will switch to compostable coffee cups & lids. We also plan to move from biodegradable cutlery & straws to wood and paper alternatives which are renewable.

“We want to encourage our customers to help us with the push towards reducing waste by considering if they actually need that extra cup, box or straw. We also offer a 20p discount for bringing your own cup and sell a ‘Keep Cup’ which includes a free coffee (worth £2.60), after 25 drinks it will have paid for itself!

“Heading into 2018 we will be working closely with our suppliers to fiercely reduce single use plastics in our business and will keep our customers informed of the changes we implement.

Feel fantastic when you say no to plastic!!''