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Big Ilfracombe Spring Clean

As part of the The Great British Spring Clean 2020, which is the country’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign, One Ilfracombe are inviting you to take part in the Big Ilfracombe Spring Clean 2020.

This year our focus is on individuals / groups taking ownership of cleaning up of their local street, area, park, business or beach.

So why not work with your neighbours to give it a spruce up?

If you are interested in arranging a clean up in your area you can use the leaflets that we have produced to promote your clean up and we can also provide posters for your business or notice boards.

Simply register your interest in the event and we will make you or your organisation a co-host and publicise when are where you want people to meet up on the day.

Litter pickers and bin bags will be made available. The details of where and when to pick these up will follow in due course.

We will also publish details where you are to leave any Green and or mixed rubbish for collection. We are exploring options for collecting recyclable items so please follow this event for more information.

Please SHARE this information. You can also get in touch with us in person by dropping into the Ilfracombe Centre 44 High Street, e-mail or by calling 01271 855300